For more information call
0121 742 5490
Land Rover Sports and Social Club - Great Events

How to Join

Want to become a Member?

There are two types of membership:

1) Ordinary Members:
For a Land Rover EmployeeIf you are a Land Rover Employee and you would like to join both the club and the Land Rover Lottery you should apply for the Ordinary Membership. The annual cost of membership is £10.50 and can be done weekly or monthly dependant on your employee terms. Request the LR32A form by email:
Due to the changes in the law as to how an organisation uses and collects your personal information (GDPR) please be advised that the club uses your details lawfully, the lottery results are published on this site and on TV within the JLR premises.

Please Note: This applies to the Land Rover payroll only, unfortunately the Jaguar Land Rover payroll and or DHL are not set up for subscriptions to the Land Rover Sports and Social Club. If you are unsure please check with your payroll department which payroll you are on first.

If you intend to use the club on a regular basis you will be entitled to claim a swipe card at the cost of £5, this card entitles you to discounts on purchases. This can only be done at the club.

Please Note: We do not post the membership cards out

2) Special Members:

New Special Members Applications: The annual cost of membership is £10.50  From March 2023 swipe cards will cost of £5 for all new members and /or members that have lost or broken their membership. This card entitles you to discounts on purchases at the bar. it has to be swiped at the bar in order the get the discount.

To apply for a new special membership email: asking for the LR16 Applicaion Special Members.
This is the start of the process you must return it by email.
In the first instance you will be put in the system.
The annual cost of membership is £10.50, and is renewable every January , dates to renew every year will be put on the web site during January.
We have had a new business system put in in March 2023,  this includes swipe cards that have door access, and it entitles members to discounts on purchases at the bar. It must be swiped at the bar in order the get the discount.
The cards cost a one-off fee of £5 and must be bought at the same time as paying for the annual membership.
Once I have received the form back your details will be entered into the system, and you will be advised by email or text what night you can go to the club to pay the £15.50 and Join. If for any reason you have not joined within one month all your details will be removed.

Please Note: Any member of staff or Committee can ask you for ID any time for identification purposes.

There will be a charge of £5.00 for lost cards. Howerver if your membership is not current you will have to apply for new membership and pay the full price.