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0121 742 5490
Land Rover Sports and Social Club - Great Events

Rowood Suite Room Hire

As the Rowood Suite is self-contained it is the ideal venue for private functions such as weddings and shows. In order to hire a room at The Land Rover Sports & Social Club, you must be sponsored by a member or gain permission from committee to join as a special member, the cost of a yearly membership is £15.50.

FOR WAKES-FUNERAL: To avoid dissapointment please check with us first for available dates before you confirm dates with the funeral directors. In the email subject heading please put the word WAKE AND YOUR PHONE NUMBER this will fast track your email and avoid any delays. (maximum hire 4 hours only)
  • This room holds approximately 150 to 300 people dependant on dance floor to be set up.
  • Large Dance Floor and Large Stage
  • Dressing Rooms
  • Bar
  • Tables and Chairs
  • We offer very competitive hire rates
  • At large functions security on the door will be required; details are in the room hire form
  • Due to Health & Hygiene regulations; we have our own in house caterers and approved outside caterers. Details will be given at time of booking.
Unfortunately due to the current rules no 18th birthdays can be booked however 21st Birthdays can be considered but are subject to being approved by the secretary.

Hire request apply online to the Club Secretary at: with YOUR PHONE NUMBER and full details including the type of event ,number of attendees, Date required.

Bookings are only confirmed when deposits are paid, no room is reserved until that time.

Note: We do not hire out these rooms for children's birthday parties for under the age of 21.

Birthday Parties for 21st are subject to go to committee for approval.

Please read these Room Hire Restrictions before applying to hire by clicking the button below:

Room Hire Restrictions