The Games Room has four snooker tables, two pool tables and two dart boards. Come and test your skills!Currently there are two snooker teams playing home matches on Monday And Wednesday Nights.There is also ladies darts team. Anyone wishing to start a men's dart team will be most welcome to do so. We are also looking for players to join a dominoes team. The Games Room is restricted to members only, however members can sign in a visitor and pay a small fee of 50p at the bar for them to be able to play and use the facilities. No-one under the age of 16 is permitted in the Games Room. Conditions of playing members: • Play singles games only; there are no doubles games allowed at present • Members only, no guests permitted at present • You must provide your own cue, chalk and playing equipment • Do not touch any other members snooker cues • Collect set of clean balls from the bar • Do not pass balls to the next player • Maximum 10 people in the snooker room at any one time • Stay 2m away from your opponent at all times including when replacing potted balls • Do not touch any table other than the one you are using • Wipe the scoreboard and sliding markers using the cleaning materials provided • Wipe down the edge of the table with the cleaning materials provided • Wipe down the triangle, the extensions and all the rests on the table using the cleaning materials provided After your game: • Do not shake hands • Replace the balls in the black ball rack container after completing your session & return to the bar for cleaning • If nobody is waiting to use the table please recover the table • Take any glasses, containers, drinks, packaging with you when you leave to avoid the collection of rubbish in the Club • Sanitize your hands on exiting the club. Compliance: Members must fully comply with the agreed procedures when on the Club premises, designed to mitigate risk to health and safety of all persons whilst in the Club. Members are responsible for bringing to the attention of other members any perceived non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions and reporting the same to the Club Secretary for further action if deemed necessary. Should any member be found not complying with these Terms and Conditions, their membership will be immediately suspended by the Club Secretary, confirmed by email notice copied to the Committee, pending further investigation and consideration of any subsequent appeal. Learn to Play Snooker with Steve Paling Steve has been trained by Nic Barrow to a very high standard and holds EASB Level Two certificates (English Association For Snooker And Billiards) he would now like to share his knowledge and experience with other like-minded people. Check out the courses at Solihull Snooker Coaching by clicking |